The name God Stuff comes from the Cartoon series created by Titane Laurent, the founding President of God Stuff Art Space. Titane’s cartoons have been published in newspapers and magazines around the world. To find out more about them check the www.godstuffcartoons.com web site.
Titane is also a professional artist and has exhibited and won awards across the globe, from Perth to Mauritius, to Japan, to New York and more recently to Melbourne, where she now calls home. To find out more about Titane and to see her work you can check her www.titanelaurent.com web site.
The other principal actor in the founding of God Stuff Art Space is our Pastor Jonathon Miller. Jonathon spent his formative years as a singer/songwriter and entrepreneur until he felt God calling him to work full time for Him. After studies in the USA Jonathon felt called to Melbourne where found work as a minister at one of Melbourne's northern churches, employed principally to oversee a large Work-For-The-Dole program. Jonathon left this position to help setup God Stuff Art Space and is the spearhead of our spiritual development programs.
The idea behind God Stuff Art Space is to create a faith community through the resources and personnel that the Gallery, studios and café have created. Our aim is to create a space where not only artists, but anyone who may not normally feel comfortable in a Church can have an encounter with God and enrich their lives.